By Decree of Erection the Parish of St. Thomas More, Scarborough, was established by the Archdiocese of Toronto on June 15, 1964 and divided from the parish of St. Rose of Lima. The Decree was signed by Coadjutor Archbishop of Toronto, Philip F. Pocock. The official Decree was sent to Reverend E. J. Platt, as the first pastor of Saint Thomas More Parish, on June 25, 1964. The solemn blessing of the Church of Saint Thomas More took place on Sunday, September 10, 1967 with his Grace The Most Rev. Philip F. Pocock officiating.
Over the next 50 years since the establishment of the Parish there were many highlights and memories that enrich the story of our parish and we share a few of these memories in the following pages. We trust that they will trigger many happy reminiscences for our parishioners.


  • The first rectory was in the house on Clementine Square; baptisms were held in a small chapel in the basement; Sunday Mass was celebrated at Heather Heights P. S., Churchill Heights P. S., then Woburn Collegiate. Fr. Jack Sheppard helped Fr. Platt with Masses.
    Immediately after the letter of erection of St. Thomas More Parish, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, St. Thomas More Conference, was established under the leadership of Ron Botell; men in the newly identified parish area quickly joined the conference.
    October 13, 1964: St. Thomas More Council of the Catholic Women’s League (CWL) of Canada received its charter; in 1965 the CWL had 130 members.
  • 1964: St. Rose Softball, Hockey and Bowling Leagues became the St. Rose/St. Thomas More Leagues.
  • 1964: Catechism classes for children attending public schools were taught by parishioners.
  • October 1965: Sod turned for the new church; Fr. McCann, Pastor of St. Rose of Lima Parish, presided in place of the bishop. Construction of the church, rectory and hall began in 1966.
  • 1967: Official opening and solemn blessing of the church by Most Reverend Philip Pocock.
  • 1967: A year of several firsts – first CWL Communion Breakfast, first parish picnic in Morningside Park; CWL held “kitchen shower” to outfit parish hall.
  • 1968: St. Thomas More Separate School opened.
    Youth Corps had a dance; Couples Club initiated and organized dances to raise funds until 1986; Badminton Club; the parish picnic at Thomson Park became an annual event.
  • 1968 First women’s retreat at Manresa; the retreat occurred at various locations in other years.
  • 1968: Society of St. Vincent de Paul, St. Thomas More Parish Conference, started Bundle Sunday collections that continue to the present; CWL had its first rummage sale and first bazaar; both became annual events.
  • 1968: The parish responded to 1968 “Human Rights yYear” with discussion on prejudice; the CWL had a presentation on the abortion issue.
  • 1969: Fr. James Gosson, C.S.Sp. became Sunday assistant until 1988.
    1970: Firsts for CWL members – annual spaghetti dinner, annual amateur night.
  • April 1971: The Young Adults group met.
    St. Edmund Campion Separate School temporary school building opened in 1971; the permanent school was completed in the spring of 1973.
  • November 1972: The parish supported a petition initiated by the Right to Life Association.
  • January 1973: An ecumenical service was held at St. Mark’s United Church, with a combined choir of singers from St. John the Divine Anglican, St. Mark’s United, St. Stephen’s Presbyterian and St. Thomas More Catholic churches.
  • February 1973: There was a parish mission and a Children’s Mission Mass; funds were collected to help missions in Northern Ontario.
  • June 3, 1973: The celebration of the ordination anniversary of Fr. Edwin Platt; a presentation of the stained glass window depicting St. Thomas More and his family was made.
  • September 1973: A reception was held for Fr. Jon Bromley who was transferred to another parish.
    November 1973: Members of the CWL attended Festival of Life in Ottawa.
    John J. Farrugia, architect of St. Thomas more Church, donated a stained glass window to the parish.


1974 – 1983

  • Youth Group meetings for young people 14 to 18 years held at 7:00 pm Sundays. Oktoberfest dance hosted by Couples Club.
  • November 1974: Parish social held to thank Fr. Hannan who was transferred to another parish.
    St. Thomas More/ St. Rose drama group planned for next production.
  • 1975 CWL activities: Annual Communion Breakfast, public speaking competition for Grade 7/8 students, canvassing on Heart Sunday, Red Cross blood donor clinic, rummage sales, bazaar.
    Fr. Platt donated blood for the 96th time; article local newspaper.
    Men of the parish canvassed homes of parishioners for Share Lent ’75 collection.
  • January 1976: Ecumenical service with the local United, Anglican and Presbyterian churches.
  • March 1976: Presentation for parishioners by Laura McArthur, president of the Right to Life Association.
  • May 1976: Procession in honour of the Blessed Virgin Mary, followed by the rosary and Benediction.
  • December 1976: Initiation of regular First Friday adoration with mass at 7:30 pm followed by exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and Benediction at 11:30 pm
  • 1976 CWL activities: Evening of recollection with Fr. McCarthy, a Holy Ghost Father; bazaar; availability of Fireside Family Bibles for sale; blood donor clinic.
  • May 1977: Annual Mass for Shut-Ins, sponsored by the St. Vincent de Paul Society, Scarborough Particular Council, with entertainment and refreshments in the church hall, the only wheelchair accessible church hall in Scarborough.
  • Fall 1978: Lay visitation to the sick, elderly, and housebound began.
    CWL held its regular Christmas auction for the Good Shepherd Refuge and collection of food from parishioners.
    CWL also canvassed for the Heart Fund, supported the blood donor clinic, organized procession in honour of Our Lady; auction and rummage sale to support F. Nel’s Colombian Project.
  • June 2/3 1979: “The Burning of the Mortgage” dinner and dance on Saturday acknowledging the hard work of Fr. Platt and parishioners; on Sunday concelebrated Mass of Thanksgiving with Bishop-Elect Leonard J. Wall followed by a reception to celebrate the “Burning of the Mortgage”.
  • June 17, 1979: Following 11:30 Mass, a reception to celebrate the 40th ordination anniversary of Fr. Lajos Makko.
  • January 1980: An ethnic Chinese family, sponsored by our parishioners for one year to Jan. 31, 1981, arrived from Vietnam to live in our parish. The family consisted of the husband, wife, five daughters, two sons and the grandmother. The children attended St. Bede Catholic School’s temporary site on Military Trail. The parish helped them settle in their new country; they embraced the opportunities they had to develop their new life in Canada.
  • 1980: Fr. Platt transferred to build a new parish, St. Luke’s, in Thornhill; in 1981 a bursary was established by the parishioners at St. Augustine’s Seminary in his honour.
    Fr. John O’Donnell named pastor; Fr. James Wholey, C.M. and Fr. James Gosson, C.S.Sp. appointed associates. Installation of Fr. O’Donnell as pastor by Bishop Clune on July 6, 1980.
  • May 1980: Transitional diaconal ordination of Edwin Galea and Joseph Murphy; Joe had been the organist at St. Thomas More Church.
    Men invited to volunteer to help distribute Holy Communion at Sunday Masses; plans for choirs and a Parish Council.
  • May 1981: CWL had a New and Nearly New booth at Providence Villa Spring Festival; they participated for several years in the Festival.
  • 1981: Stained glass window of the Canadian Martyrs donated by the Couples Club; the newly installed hall completed; 1982 four more stained glass windows installed.
  • May 1982: St. Thomas More Players presented the play “The Holly and the Ivy”.
  • 1982: First meeting of St. Thomas More Parish Council; Knights of Columbus Parish Council membership drive.
  • June 1983: Reception for Fr. O’Donnell’s 25th anniversary as a priest; September reception for Fr. Wholey who was transferred; Fr. Vid Vlasic and Fr. Angus McRae appointed as associate pastors.
    Opening of Pope John Paul II Secondary School on Military Trail (site of the temporary St. Bede Catholic School).
    Plan to use Eucharistic Ministers at some Masses.



  • January 1984: First meetings of the new Youth Group and Young Adults’ group.
  • September 15th: Parishioners volunteered at Papal Mass at Downsview Park.
  • January 1985: Recruitment of members for Legion of Mary and Junior Legion of Mary.
    St. Thomas More Parish initiated Marriage Preparation Course open to young couples in the area.
    Lenten coin banks given to children; proceeds helped local child participate in the Special Olympics; retreat for youth of parish.
  • 1986: Volunteers continue to canvas parishioners door to door for Heart Fund and ShareLife.
    Youth group gave profit from dance to charity and to the widow and family of man killed at the PetroCan station at Markham and Ellesmere Roads.
    Youth group put on turkey dinner in appreciation of adults who were chaperones at their dances.
    CWL continued their Stratford Theatre trips, support of food banks, booth at Providence Villa Spring Festival.
  • February 1987: Start of series of eight lectures on Liturgy by the Liturgy Council of the Archdiocese of Toronto.
    Spaghetti Dinner by the Youth Group to raise funds for Society of St. Vincent de Paul, St. Thomas More Parish conference.
    Mass and reception for Fr. James Gosson in celebration of his golden jubilee.
    CWL supported blood donor clinic, pancake breakfast, St. Patrick’s Dance, Daffodil Day for Cancer Society, booth at Providence Villa, Stratford Theatre trips.
  • April 1987: Many parishioners went by bus from the church to participate in a peaceful walk in front of the Morgentaler Clinic to protest abortion.
  • 1988: Men’s and women’s annual retreats continued to the present time.
    Fr. Vid Vlasic and Fr. Michael Waites transferred to another parish.
  • September 1988: Spanish Mass began on Sundays at 4:30 pm; celebrated by visiting priests.
    CWL Mother-Daughter luncheon; May procession, rosary, crowning of statue of Our Lady.
  • 1989: 25th Anniversary of St. Thomas More Parish; souvenir plates available; October 13 Mass and diner in hall to celebrate.
  • January 29, 1989: Celebration of Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom, participation of choir from Sts. Peter and Paul Ukrainian Catholic Church; icon donated by Sts. Peter and Paul Church.
    May 28: Cardinal’s Mass at 11:30 am with His Eminence G. Emmett Cardinal Carter; followed by a reception.
    Spanish-led groups formed: Baptism and Marriage preparation, choir and music groups.
    Volunteers invited to visit Seven Oaks Home for the Aged
    September 10: Reception after all Masses to welcome mew pastor, Fr. Joseph McCormick.
    November 9: Reception to celebrate retirement of Fr. John O’Donnell.
  • September 1990: John Duffy, seminarian, assigned to Parish in June 1991.
    October: As tribute to Fr. Edwin Platt to honor his 16 years as pastor, funds were donated to a bursary in his honour at St. Augustine’s Seminary.
  • September 1991: Beginning of the year-long celebration of the 150th anniversary of the Archdiocese of Toronto.
  • May 1992: Many parishioners attended the ordination of Fr. John Duffy at St. Michael’s Cathedral; first Mass celebrated at St. Thomas More Church followed by a reception in the hall.
    June: Reception for Fr. Michael Waites, transferred to another parish.
    September; Goan display, first of several cultural displays; October, Italian display; November, Maltese display.
  • 1993: January, Scottish cultural display; February, Filippino display; March, Irish display; April, Sir Lankan.
    September: Renovations began—washrooms at hall entrance; in December blessing of the Fr. Joseph McCormick Hall which had been renovated and extended; new, larger kitchen and meeting rooms.
    CWL continued to organize rummage sales, garage sales, bazaars, receptions.
  • November 1993: Fr. John Duffy and members of the Youth Group travelled to Denver, Colorado, for World Youth Day; Pope John Paul II flew to Denver specifically for the event.


1994 – 2003

  • 1994: April, Caribbean cultural display; May, French display; October, Canadian display.
    February: Parish mission by Fr. Malcolm Smith; Vision TV taping of “How of Pray”.
    April: Caribbean cultural display after 11:30 am Mass; May, French display.
  • June 1994: Fr. Mel Talan transferred; Fr. Lawrence D’Mello became associate pastor; he celebrated Mass for the Spanish congregation until 1997.
    October 2: Life Chain at Markham Road and Sheppard Avenue East; continues to the present at Markham Road and Ellesmere Road.
    Visit of statue of Our Lady of the Rosary of Manaoag, Philippines; Healing Mass in November.
    December: Christmas cakes on sale for Campaign Life; continued to the present.
  • 1995: Euchre weekly; pancake breakfast became an annual event.
    Senior altar servers added to the roster to serve at funerals.
  • May 1995: CWL planted an emerald green maple tree, blessed by Fr. McCormick, opposite front door of church, in honour of the 75th anniversary of the Catholic Women’s League of Canada.
    Fall: Children’s Liturgy of the Word restarted; other groups continued other activities including the Knights of Columbus, religious articles table, altar society, Legion of Mary and Junior Legion of Mary.
  • 1996: Indoor grotto of the Blessed Virgin Mary built.
  • May 1996; Fr. McCormick ill; Robert Rosales ordained as permanent deacon; assigned to St. Thomas More Parish.
    ShareLife Walkathon at Cedarbrook Park; CWL had car in Scarborough Canada Day parade; Oktoberfest repeated.
    November 1996: First annual memorial service for deceased members of CWL, following 7:30 pm Mass on first Tuesday of November; continued to current year.
    Legion of Mary distributed rosaries/ pamphlets on how to pray the rosary to encourage families to pray the rosary; Logo designed for the Youth Group, Y.E.S. (Youth Enriched in the Spirit).
  • May 4, 1997: 25th anniversary of St. Edmund Campion School; Mass and reception at the school.
  • June 1997: Tribute to Fr. Joseph McCormick – Mass and reception.
    Fr. Lawrence D’Mello left; Fr. Miguel Angel Godoy assigned as associate pastor for the Spanish congregation; actively involved in all Spanish groups until 1999.
    Night of prayer to end abortion, joining with churches across North America.
  • January 1998: Ann Botell retired; first volunteered in 1968 to type bulletins; employed in 1980s
    Golden jubilee celebration for Fr. Platt attended by many parishioners.
    Fr. McCormick retired; Fr. John Duffy assigned as administrator.
    First “angel tree” to collect gifts for children for the St. Vincent de Paul Conference to include with Christmas baskets.
  • 1999: Fr. Miguel Angel GoDoy returned to Colombia; Fr. Raul Morales to serve Spanish congregation; first meeting of Neo-Catechumenal Way; crowning of Our Lady of Fatima statue by the Spanish congregation.
    Bulletin message from Padre John M. Duffy to the Spanish congregation in Spanish.
    Prayer group began meeting; CWL annual auction for Good Shepard Refuge raised money and brought in food and clothing; 40th anniversary of St. Rose of Lima parish.
  • 2000: Archdiocesan Jubilee Year; many parishioners attended Jubilee Mass at Air Canada Centre.
    World Youth Day: youth from St. Thomas More teamed up with young people from Midland to go on pilgrimage to Rome.
    CWL of Canada supported World March of Women 2000 although literature advocated for full access to free abortion and “full rights for lesbians.” The executive of the St. Thomas More Council expressed concern that this support was sending the wrong message. Many other councils took the same action. Subsequently a vote was taken on remaining or withdrawing from the Catholic Women’s League of Canada. With a vote of 33/36 the independent St. Thomas More Women’s Group (CWG) was established.
  • 2001: February, Eastern European cultural display.
    Volunteer screening was implemented by the Archdiocese of Toronto and the government of Ontario. The CWG continued its many activities until 2008.
    Fr. Raul Morales left the parish; visiting priests came to celebrate the Spanish Mass.
  • 2002: Fr. Duffy celebrated the 10th anniversary of ordination and was named pastor of St. Thomas More Parish; CWG communion breakfast speaker was Fr. Ted Colleton.
  • Summer 2002: Fr. Ferdinand Gonsalves and Fr. Richard Andrews were assigned as associates; Spanish Mass now at 2:00 pm.
    Volunteers provided accommodation to youth pilgrims and chaperones while in Toronto for World Youth Day 2002.
  • Lent 2003: Weekly food drive; food sent by container to Missionaries of the Poor in Haiti; dramatization of the Way of the Cross by the Youth Group.
    CWG annual memorial service for deceased members of the CWL (1964-2000), CWG (2000 onward).


2004 – 2013

  • January 16, 2004: Fr. John O’Donnell, second pastor of St. Thomas More Parish, died.
    May 2004: Fr. Miguel Segura ordained at St. Michael’s Cathedral; he celebrated his first Mass at St. Thomas More Parish; a reception followed.
    Youth Group planned for World Youth Day 2005, held pancake breakfast, Youth Ministry Mass, dramatization of Way of the Cross, car wash, Candlelight Living Rosary and Adoration, Christmas Concert, “Christmas Through the Years”; sale of religious pictures and T-shirts.
    Spanish Youth Group sold papusas (traditional Salvadoran dish) to raise funds for trip to World Youth Day in Germany in 2005; Neo-Catechumenal Way continued to meet.
  • 2004: Fr. Ferdinand Gonsalves returned to India.
  • June 2005: Farewell reception for Fr. Richard Andrews, transferred to another parish; Fr. Peter Wood and Fr. Antony Bruno appointed associate pastors.
  • June 2005: Maneesha Fernando, a member of the Legion of Mary and the Youth Group, entered the convent of the Missionaries Charity.
    October: Several parishioners joined Fr. John Duffy on a pilgrimage to the Hole Land; in April 2006, announcement that projector system purchased for parish by participants in pilgrimage.
  • November 2005: Farewell to Fr. Ernest Ezeogu who returned to Nigeria.
  • 2006: Santo Nino novena; Spanish community sponsored Valentines Dance.
  • May 31, 2006: Funeral for Fr. Joseph McCormick, followed by reception in the hall.
    June; Farewell reception for Fr. John Duffy; arrival of Fr. Octavio Beltran, pastor, and Cesar Sahagun, deacon. Installation of Fr. Beltran as pastor by Bishop Richard Grecco on July 30th.
  • January 2007: The Ark of the Covenant at church in preparation for 2008 Eucharistic Congress.
  • May 2007: Ordination of Fr. Leo Llames from the Spanish Neo-Catechumenal Way.
  • 2007: St. Vincent de Paul Conference continued its work with families; Knights of Columbus, RCIA, CWG, Youth Group, Legion of Mary, Liturgy of the Word for Children were active.
  • February 2008; The Catholic Women’s Group (CWG) disbanded; there was an information night in September for ladies to hear about the Catholic Women’s League. The memorial service for deceased members of the CWL (1964-2000) and CWG (2000-2008) continues each year.
  • March 2008: Monsignor Expedito Joano arrived as associate pastor.
  • May 2008: Fr. Damian Young-Sam-You, who had served as an altar server at the parish for 17 years, was ordained at St. Michael’s Cathedral and celebrated his first Mass at the Church, followed by a reception.
  • June 8: 60th ordination anniversary Mass and celebration of Fr. Edwin J. Platt first pastor of St. Thomas More Parish, at Corpus Christi Church.
  • June 21, 2008: Farewell reception for Fr. Antony Bruno.
    Fr. David Perez named associate pastor; served the Spanish congregation until 2013.
    Youth Group activities: Youth Mass, Lenten retreat, garage sale, meetings, walking pilgrimage.
    Series of seminars by the Couples for Christ Foundation for Family and Life.
  • March 2009: Ladies in parish invited to an evening of spiritual reflection and discussion of reactivation of the CWL for the parish.
    November: Message from Archbishop Collins about the H1N1 virus and practices to be followed.
    Celebration of the 50th ordination anniversary of Msgr. Expedito Joano; farewell celebration in June 2010.
  • April 2010: Construction to replace the hall and church doors and add stained glass panels.
    Spanish Community participated in a pilgrimage to the Holy Land with Fr. David Perez as their spiritual director.
  • May 2011: Parishioners invited to commit to sponsoring an Iraqi family from a Syrian refugee camp through the Archdiocesan program “One Parish-One Family”.
  • September 17: Fr. Edwin Platt, first pastor of St. Thomas More Parish, died.
    New translation of Roman Missal to be used starting November 27, 2011
  • April 2012: Knights of Columbus sponsored “ Sacred Relics of the Saints” display; James Lewis, oldest St. Thomas More Parish parishioner, celebrated his 100th birthday.
  • June 23, 2012: Parish BBQ and picnic in celebration of the feast of St. Thomas More; English and Spanish communities provided great food; the Youth Group organized children’s games.
    Fundraising for refugee family: Rummage and white elephant sale; Thanksgiving Dinner and Dance; Bishop Vincent Nguyen attended; subsequently the Settlement Committee announced that the family arrived in late November and was settled nearby.
  • May 2013: Deacon Cesar Sahagun retired from his ministry; celebration of the 50th ordination anniversary of Fr. Sydney Chang and Fr. Patrick Fitzpatrick.
    Spanish congregation’s farewell reception for Fr. David Perez and Fr. Octavio Beltran; Parish Council also organized a farewell reception.
  • July 3, 2013: Arrival of James Casper, SCJ, pastor; Fr. Aegidius Warsito, SCJ and Fr. Willyans Rapozo, SCJ, associate pastors. Priests of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, they will also be ministering to Our Lady of the Rosary Parish, Midland Ave; Fr. Willyans is pastor of the Spanish congregation at St. Thomas More Parish.
    September: Installation of Fr. James Casper SCJ as pastor of St. Thomas More Parish by Bishop Vincent Nguyen; also a visit by Fr. Jose Ornelas Carvalho, Superior General, and Fr. John van den Hengal, Vicar, Priests of the Sacred Heart.
    Welcomed Sister Caroline Altpeter, Co-ordinator of the Religious Education Program and Sister Lori Nunes to lead the RCIA program.
    Spanish Community celebrated the 25th anniversary of its participation in the worship community at St. Thomas More Parish; the parish is officially a bilingual parish.
    Final report on the family sponsored by the St. Thomas More congregation as part of the “One Parish-One Family” program.
  • December 22: Ice storm disrupted family life and Parish Christmas celebrations for the majority of parishioners; the New Year’s Eve dance was rescheduled as a Valentine’s


2014 – 2024

  • Our first annual Valentine’s Dinner and Dance was held in February 2015.
  • A Parish Advent Retreat Day in 2015, along with a Parish Lenten Retreat Day in 2016, were held which were well attended and continues to this day.
  • Our parish volunteers provided meals for the children of St. Thomas More Elementary School for their Breakfast Club program beginning in 2015. Hot food was served in the parish hall every school day until 2019
  •  The Family of Faith campaign, an initiative of the Archdiocese of Toronto, began in January 2016. This campaign had many objectives including the restoration of St. Michael’s Cathedral Basilica, new initiatives for the youth of the archdiocese and any repairs needed at the parish level. The goal for our parish was $570,000.00 over a 5-year period.
  • Father Thomas Kluger, our parishioner, was ordained to the priesthood at St. Michael’s Cathedral in 2016. The next day he celebrated his first Mass at our parish.
  • Father James Casper SCJ celebrated his 50th anniversary of ordination at the parish in June 2016 with many parishioners attending.
  • Sister Maneesha Fernando, one of our parishioners, professed her final vows as a Missionary of Charity in July 2016.
  • In October 2016 the Youth Group handed out sandwiches, which they had prepared, to give to the homeless in downtown Toronto.
  • In October 2016 the Archdiocese requested an accurate count, for the first time, of those attending Mass at each parish over two weekends. Our average count for each weekend was just over 2,700 people including the Hispanic congregation and the sick, elderly and house-bound who received Communion.
  • The annual Book of Remembrance began in November 2016. All morning Masses were dedicated to those whose names were entered by parishioners in the Book.
  • One of our long-time parishioners, Aduino Bertazzon, as head usher and parish maintenance member, retired after many years of service to the parish.
  • The rectory garage was rebuilt in 2017.
  • The Legion of Mary held an outdoor Marian procession in May 2017.
  • A new sound system was installed in June 2017.
  • Bishop Robert Kasun, as Bishop of Ethnic Communities, celebrated a bilingual Mass (English and Spanish) in June 2017 in honour of the feast day of our parish patron saint, St. Thomas More.
  • In November 2017 the Dehonian group was formed for interested parishioners by the Priests of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
  • In January 2018 the youth began a monthly Youth Mass at 5:00 p.m. on the first Saturday of each month.
  • In March 2018 Father Antonio Resende Pereira SCJ arrived in Canada from Brazil to assist at the parish.
  • In April 2018 Father Martin K. Antony SCJ arrived in Canada from India to minister to the Hispanic Community.
  • In June 2018 Father Willyans Rapozo SCJ left the parish to pursue further theological studies. Father Aegidius Warsito SCJ was installed as Pastor of St. Thomas More Parish by Bishop Vincent Nguyen.
  • The new bike rack was installed for our cyclists in 2018.
  • The first Senior’s Mass and Luncheon was held in January 2019. It was warmly received and continues to this day.
  • Father Aegidius Warsito SCJ celebrated his 25th anniversary of ordination with a Mass and reception in the parish hall in 2019.
  • Parish monthly Coffee Sundays began in 2019, hosted by the Serviam Group.
  • In September 2019 the first International Food Bazaar fundraiser was held to support funding for the Building Fund.
  • As a result of the pandemic, on March 13, 2020 Cardinal Collins issued a dispensation from attending public celebrations of the Eucharist. As a result, coronavirus preventative measures were in place and all Masses were celebrated privately.
  • In November 2020, Cardinal Collins restricted Mass attendance to 50 people at all liturgical celebrations. The conferring of the sacrament of Confirmation was postponed from June to November and held over two days to accommodate the numbers of attendees due to limited capacity.
  • Our parishioners had participated in the annual Life Chain held every year in October and in October 2020 they again witnessed to this pro-life cause since all gathering outdoors were permitted.
  • There was no Angel Tree in December 2020.
  • From January 2021 to March 2022, pandemic restrictions were implemented then slowly eased as the danger of contracting the illness was controlled with vaccinations. Once church attendance was allowed again, Communion services were implemented with a limited capacity and whose attendance was to be registered. Masks and social distancing were mandatory at first. After March 2022 all restrictions were lifted and all parish activities along with conferring sacraments were once again taking place.
  • On September 23, 2021 a Statement of Apology by the Catholic Bishops of Canada to the Indigenous Peoples of this Land was issued. Included was a national financial pledge of $30 million over a 5-year term to support healing and reconciliation.
  • The Legion of Mary celebrated their 100-year anniversary in September 2021 with a plenary indulgence issued by Pope Francis.
  • Father Antonio Resende Pereira SCJ is transferred to Our Lady of the Rosary Parish in June 2022. This parish was previously under the guidance of Father Aegidius Warsito SCJ.
  • The first Parish Pilgrimage was held in October 2022 to Marylake Shrine.
  • Bishop Francis Leo was installed as Archbishop of the Archdiocese of Toronto on March 25, 2023.
  • The Parish Campaign was launched in April 2023 with a goal to raise $1,000,000 to repair the parish hall structure and replace the washrooms. All parish fundraising activities were geared to this Campaign including the Youth Group’s Bake Sale, Garage Sale, Spring Fling and the parish’s annual Food Bazaar.
  • A new Charismatic Prayer Group was initiated in May 2023.
  • The second Parish Pilgrimage was held on July 29, 2023 to Midland.
  • The Parish Holy Land pilgrimage was confirmed to proceed from October 7 to 20, 2023 which had been on hold since January 2020 due to the pandemic, with Father Warsito SCJ as spiritual director.
  • Daily Mass times were changed for morning Masses from 7:30 a.m. to 7:15 a.m. due to parking issues at St. Thomas More Elementary School in December 2023.
  • In November 2023 the well-attended 30th ordination anniversary of Father Aegidius Warsito SCJ and Father Juliwan Maslim SCJ was celebrated with a Mass and reception in the parish hall.
  • The first Breakfast with Santa and the first Children’s Christmas Party was held in December 2023.
  • In early 2024 the Pastoral Council appointed a committee to organize plans for the 60th Parish Anniversary. A logo and slogan were chosen from parishioners’ entries followed by the production of a Memory Book with photos of parishioners, their families and past parish events. Plans also included a social outreach initiative, selling souvenirs and a Christmas Concert.
  • In May 2024, Brother Henri Suharyono SCJ, a seminarian, returned to Indonesia to continue his studies for the priesthood. He had completed his pastoral year at our parish where he gained experience in teaching the Confirmation, First Communion and R.C.I.A. classes. Since his arrival in December 2022, he was involved in all our parish activities.
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