God is calling
We are in the Second Sunday of Advent right now, and we are invited to receive a wonderful call. Advent is about the coming of Jesus as our Savior. He calls to us, reaching down to us, drawing us closer to Himself. Advent invites us to prepare ourselves to hear this glorious call and for the world to receive the Savior. The Prophet Baruch reminds us that God is leading Israel in joy by the light of His glory, with His mercy and justice as companions. It may be difficult for us to sense this message in our hearts, but God is calling us to follow Him in joy, by the light of His glory. We can only know this through faith in the Lord. We Christians are invited to answer His call through belief in Jesus and to believe that Jesus has come for the salvation of the world through His Advent.
Our faith in the call of Christ’s coming into the world, and in the fact that it has changed the world, is challenged daily. Through news channels, the internet, and social media, we absorb often horrific news about pain, suffering, and death, and we wonder: where is God? Abject poverty, terrorism, hate crimes, and abuses of all forms shake our faith. Yet, we persevere in His Advent, and our faith endures. Despite these terrible setbacks, disappointments, and losses, early Christians acknowledged, and modern-day Christians reaffirm, His call to the light of His glory.
In this Sunday’s Gospel, John the Baptist calls us to repent and await the coming Messiah. Like John, you and I are called to be a “voice crying in the wilderness,” calling out that God is present and here for the salvation of the world. We should be able to proclaim from the depths of our hearts: all flesh shall see the salvation of God. Therefore, we are called to be witnesses that God has touched our lives and has come expressly for the salvation of our world. The call of salvation is here in our midst. Let us live in faith and confidence: “God will complete His work.” And let us live our lives in this Advent season, and beyond, in a way that more fruitfully receives His call.
Fr. Aegidius Warsito SCJ
Advent - Confessions
The Sacrament of Reconciliation will be celebrated on Wednesday Dec 18th at 7:30 p.m. (English) and on Wednesday, Dec 11th at 7:30 p.m. (Spanish). There will be many priests available to hear confessions. This is an excellent way to prepare your heart for the coming of Jesus at Christmas.
Pilgrim Virgin Statue
The Pilgrim Virgin Statue is a Blessed replica of our Blessed Mother. It is a traveling sacramental offered by the Legion of Mary to be given to any home, wishing to create a prayerful, sanctifying space where family and friends are encouraged to pray the Rosary, and meditate its mysteries. All parishioners are welcome to request the statue
If you are interested in having the Pilgrim Virgin Statue in your home, please sign your name in the binder provided at the back of the church and a Legion member will contact you.
Prayers Needed for the Sick
We are praying for the sick of our parish: Jill Downs. Melina and Rolando Castillo, Keith Achue, Angelo Hizon III, Kayden De Silva, Teresita Bruce, Victoria Munson, Marion Blake, Jose Benjamin Mallari, Kayla Reyes Pecson, Steve Dowell, Lilly Ousman, Salvacion Origene, Rene Refuerzo, Christopher Simbulan, Reynoldo Camingal, Janet Lim Exconde and Tina Lopes. May they be supported by our prayers and pastoral ministry and by the grace of God.
Volunteers Needed
We are seeking volunteers to help do a deep clean of our parish on Monday, Dec 9th at 6:30 pm.
If you are available to help, please call the parish office. Thank you for your time and support.
Mass Intentions for December 7 – 14, 2024
Saturday 5:00 p.m.
+Patricia Luesue, and Gwen Whittle, requested by P. Patel
Sunday 8:30 a.m.
In thanksgiving, Lucienne Nelson
Sunday 10:00 a.m.
+Anastacia Dejuan, requested by the DeJuan family
Sunday 11:30 a.m.
Intentions of the Parish Community
Sunday 8:00 p.m.
+Maria Paz Ledda, requested by the family
Monday 7:15 a.m.
Intentions of Reginold family
Tuesday 7:15 a.m.
In thanksgiving, Reginold family
Tuesday 7:00 p.m.
Intentions of Gilroy D’Mello
Intentions of Joshlene
+Wilma Wenadan, requested by the family
Intentions of the D’Souza Family
+Sister Tecla D’Mello, requested by the D’Souza family
Intentions of Edgardo Santiago
+Noel Bastiampillai, requested by the family
+Ron Landry
+Stephen Correia, requested by the Hardy – Smith family
+Lucia, Luigi, Gina Morra and Gloria McIntyre requested by the family
Intention of Medhuna Mathew and Amith Baby
Wednesday 7:15 a.m.
+Victor Young, requested by the family
Wednesday 7:00 p.m.
+James Joven, requested by the family
Thursday 7:15 a.m.
Intentions of Myra Colaco
Thursday 7:00 p.m.
+Members of Foss and holy souls in Purgatory, requested by E. Toban
+Stephen Luesue, requested by P. Patel
+Alejandro Labaque, requested the family
Derek, Lance and Clinton De Alwis and deceased family members, requested by the family
+Linda, Reggie, Adithia and Chandra De Silvia, and deceased family members, requested by the family
+Deceased family members of the Fernando family, requested by the family
Intentions of Gayathrie Arasaratnam
Intentions of Yannah-Marie D’Mello and family
Intentions of Selvin and Roshani
+Janet Lim Exconde
Friday 7:15 a.m.
+Mariano Ocampo, requested by M. Palumbo
Friday 7:00 p.m.
+Pasquale Palumbo, requested by M. Palumbo
Saturday 9:00 a.m.
+Michael Madigan, requested by the family
Mass Schedule Changes
Beginning January 1st, 2025, our Sunday Mass schedule will be changing. The new Mass times will be as follows:
8:00 AM, 10:00 AM and 12:00 PM
These changes are being made to ease our parking situation.
The 2:00 pm (Spanish) and 8:00 PM evening Masses remain unchanged. We look forward to seeing you at Mass!
Christmas Schedule
Christmas eve Mass- The Vigil of the Christmas Dec 24th, 2024
- English – 5:00 pm
- Spanish – 7:00 pm
- English: 9:00 pm
- English: 11:00 pm
Christmas Day- The Nativity of the Lord, Dec 25th, 2024
- English: 8:30 am
- English: 10:00 am
- English: 11:30 am
- Spanish: 2:00 pm
New Year’s Eve Mass, Dec 31st, 2024
- No morning mass
- Spanish: 6:00 pm
- 8:00 pm
New Year’s Day Mass
Solemnity of Mary Mother Our God, Jan 1, 2025
- English: 8:00 am
- English: 10:00 am
- English: 12:00 noon
- Spanish: 2:00 pm