The Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Have Faith

Gabriel_Max,_La_Résurrection_de_la_fille_de_Jaïre_(1878)1In this Sunday’s Gospel, we hear of two persons who were certainly surprised. First, though, they had to go through a desperate situation. Jairus was desperate for a cure for his daughter who was very sick and the unnamed woman was desperate for a cure for her haemorrhage. Jairus knelt at the feet of Jesus and earnestly pleaded with Him. The woman went behind Jesus through the crowd in a desperate bid to touch His cloak. What Jairus and the woman did was certainly not that unbelievable.
In a time of desperation and not having any other options, we would go down on our knees and touch the statues or the holy pictures in order to get some divine attention and hope for divine intervention. But what Jairus and the woman did, and what we would do in a time of desperation, is certainly not unbelievable. The key factor in all this is faith. Jesus said to the woman, “Your faith has made you well.” To Jairus, He said, “Do not fear, only believe.”
Yes, the key factor is faith. Because faith sees what is invisible; faith believes the unbelievable; and faith receives the impossible. Because faith believes in the unbelievable, that Jesus will feel those who reach out to touch Him. And that’s why in the Gospel, Jesus turned around in the crowd and said, “Who touched my clothes?” And His disciples were bewildered and said: “You see the crowd pressing in on you, how can you say: who touched me?”
So, faith tells us that Jesus knows and feels when we reach out to touch Him. And faith receives the impossible, because what is impossible for man is not impossible for God. Surely, God’s help is only a prayer away. We only need to act on that prayer. Jairus went down on his knees. The woman touched the clothes of Jesus.
Therefore, our reflection is: do we have faith in Jesus right now? How far and strong is our faith right now? What do we need to have a strong and deep faith like Jairus and the woman in this Sunday’s Gospel?
Fr. Aegidius Warsito SCJ

ShareLife Parish Campaign 2024


Your love paves the way for second chances in life

Through your support, ShareLife agencies are able to provide specialized care for those people suffering from homelessness, mental illness and substance abuse challenges. Your generosity brings them hope for a second chance in life. Thank you for living the Gospel!
Thus far we have raised $30,866.65! Please give at the parish using a ShareLife envelope, online through at

60th Anniversary Event

As part of our 60th Anniversary celebrations, the parish will be organizing a Street Patrol on Saturday, July 13th beginning at 9:30 a.m. to prepare food bags and then travel downtown to distribute the food to those living on the streets. Volunteers are needed and donations of sliced bread (white and whole wheat only), deli meats, sliced cheese, juice boxes or water will be gratefully accepted. For more information, please call the parish office.

Our annual Parish Pilgrimage will take place at Martyrs’ Shrine on Saturday, August 24th. A bus will leave the parish at 7:30 a.m. and return by 4:30 p.m. Mass will be celebrated. Please bring your own lunch and snacks. Please call the parish office to book a seat ($35.00).

First Friday All-Night Vigil

Friday, July 5, 2024 from 10:30 p.m. to 9:00 a.m.

The Alliance of the Holy Family International group is holding a Communion of Reparation on Fri., Jul. 5th all night from 10:30 p.m. to 9:00 a.m. Everyone is most welcome.

Happy Canada Day!

Happy Canada Day!

Monday, July 1st

Mass on Mon., Jul. 1st will be at 9:00 a.m. only because of the Canada Day holiday. The parish office will also be closed for that day.

Bundle Sunday

Weekend of July 6 and 7

The Society of St. Vincent de Paul will be collecting gently used clothing, shoes and linens on the weekend of July 6 and 7 to support our neighbours in need. Please bring your donations to the truck in our parking lot where volunteers will be available before and after the weekend Masses.

Last Bulletin for the Summer

Our parish bulletin will not be printed in the months of July and August for the summertime. It will be available on our website, though.

First Saturday Healing Adoration

Saturday, July 6 at 6:15 p.m.

The Holy Trinity Community will hold a healing Eucharistic Adoration on Sat., Jul. 6th from 6:15 to 7:15 p.m. after the Mass. Prayers and songs will be part of the program. All are welcome!

Prayers Needed for the Sick

We are praying for the sick of our parish: Patricia Yee-Young, Marivie Marucut, Emily Maravilla, Lee Zheyu, Anton Ferdinand, Kayden and Barbara De Silva, Teresita Bruce, Victoria Munson, Benjamin Zdesar and Tina Lopes. May they be supported by our prayers and pastoral ministry and by the grace of God.

Youth Group Garage Sale

Donation dates from June 16 to 30

The Youth Group is having their annual Garage Sale. Please bring your donations of washed and gently used clothing and household items (not damaged, please!) to the parish office during office hours from Sun., Jun. 16 to 30. Contact Emily at 647-465-0821 for information.

Mass Intentions for June 29 – July 6, 2024

STM Church inside

Saturday 5:00 p.m.
+Eileen Burn, requested by the family
Sunday 8:30 a.m.
+Gerry Verano, requested by the family
Sunday 10:00 a.m.
+Agostinho Teixeira, requested by the family
Sunday 11:30 a.m.
Intentions of the Parish Community
Sunday 8:00 p.m.
In thanksgiving, Viromi Fernando
Monday 9:00 a.m.
+Fr. Ralphy Dawis, requested by M. Faller
Tuesday 7:15 a.m.
+Marie Alvis, requested by the family
Tuesday 7:00 p.m.
Intentions of our priests and the families of the Serviam Ministry of St. Thomas More and for vocations to the priesthood and religious life
+Anton Dominic Mancilla, requested by the family
+Isabelle Gonzales, requested by the family
Intentions of Antoinette Benedict
+ Xavier Mudaliar, Paul and Rajamani James, requested by the family
In thanksgiving, Shiromi Thambyrajah
In thanksgiving, Nicholas Bastianpillai
Wednesday 7:15 a.m.
+Jasentha Thayalini Emmanuel, requested by the family
Wednesday 7:00 p.m.
+Mark Mantes, requested by the family
Thursday 7:15 a.m.
+Charlie Caulfield, requested by M. Shaw
Thursday 7:00 p.m.
Intentions of Percy D’Mello
+Isabella Rajendran and Rajendran Augustine, requested by the family
+Bob and Shirley Sygorskis, requested by the Yanga family
+Nesha Williams, requested by the S. Lee family
+Narciso Ricabo, requested by the Gacad family
+Susamma Jose and Sheila Pereira, requested by the D’Mello family
Intentions of Varvara Nika
Friday 7:15 a.m..
Intentions of Joshua, Jayden and Jordan Rey
Friday 7:00 p.m.
In thanksgiving, Robin and Tina Lopes
Saturday 9:00 a.m.
+Angela Gueco, requested by the family

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